Salvadoran Cafe

Descriptions of the coffees
Castadis Salvadoran Coffee
1-2-3-Bosque Lya (in roast clear, dark and Espresso).
The area of Bosque Lya coffee farm is 150 Manzanas, this farm is a Strictly high grow coffee plantation, it goes from 1,400 meter to 1,900 meter high, all the coffee is (SHG). Coffee Type: Arabia Bourbon, Production: 200,000 pounds. Awards: First place at the "Cup of Excellent in El Salvador" 2004; Second Best Coffee from El Salvador by the "Consejo Salvadoreño del Café" 2017
1-2-3-San Eduardo (in roast clear, dark and Espresso) The area is 50 Manzanas, this farm goes from 1,000 meter to 1,300 meter high, this is a High grow coffee (HG). Coffee Type: Arabia Bourbon Production: 100,000 pounds
TJY Salvadoran Coffee
1-Las Mercedes Farm Description of the quality: "Multidimensional, complete coffee from beginning to end, intense acidity, round body, substantial, juicy, intense fruit flavour, creamy, fruit types: cherry, plum, peach, caramel, honey and cocoa chocolate." First place cupping profile from Cup of excellence 2006) Size of the plantation: 160 hectares. Annual production: 3,000 quintales. Coffee types: Red, Orange and Yellow Bourbon, SL28, Pacamara, Red and Yellow Icatu, Red and Yellow Caturra, Maracaturra, Guisha (2021) and Tabi. Altitude: 1,100
- 1,530 meters Approvals / awards: Cup of Excellence 2006 and 2009.
2-La Fé Farm
Variety: Bourbon Process: Washed. Size of the plantation: 8 Manzanas (6 hectares) Annual production volume: 125 quintales. Altitude:
1,300 meters
3-Noruega Farm
Variety: Bourbon. Process: Natural fermented for 90 hours. Size of the plantation: 31 Manzanas (22 hectares). Annual production volume:
400 quintales. Altitude: 1450 / 1700 meters
AMSES (Alianza de Mujeres en Café de El Salvador)
1-SHG sample Lausanne, Shalom Estate Farm
Plantation: 68,95 hectares. Altitude: 900 m.s.n.m. Soil: clay. Rainfall: 2950-3175 millimetre. Harvest: November-January. Processing methods: washed in clean water Drying methods: sun dried in patios. Harvest: December-April. Varieties: Pacas, Cuscatleco, Marselleza, Sarchimor, Bourbon Certifications: Mill RFA certified.
2-Gourmet sample Lausanne, Monte Sion Estate Fram
Plantation: 35,70 hectares. Altitude: 1200-1400 m.s.n.m. Soil: sandy clay loam. Rainfall: 3200-3500 millimetre. Harvest: December-February. Processing methods: washed in clean water. Drying methods: Preparation Gourmet especial preparation. Varieties: Bourbon Certifications: Rainforest Alliance, RFA certified.
3-Zenith Coffee Apaneca- LLamatepec Pacamara
Altitude: 1575 m.a.s.l. Yearly available production 9.060 kg. Drying methods: natural sun dried on African beds. Varieties: Pacamara Description: excellent, sweetness, acidity, body and flavour, with hints of fruity citric and spices
4-Zenith Coffee Apaneca- LLamatepec Red Bourbon
Altitude: 1.525 m.a.s.l. meters. Yearly production 4.225 kg. Harvest.Processing methods: washed Drying methods: patio dried. Varieties:
Red Bourbon Description: well balanced, with excellent sweetness and acidity. Floral and honey notes.